Little Autumn's mom and I went to high school together, we reconnected on facebook and I have been watching her beautiful baby girl grow up through pictures. :) Her eyes are just STUNNING and she was such a joy to be around. She had the greatest personality and giggled at my slightest funny noises (self esteem boost----makes me think I'm HILARIOUS!). You can tell both parents love her VERY MUCH because she is one happy baby!!
Thank you soooo much for choosing me to take her pictures! Please enter her in EVERY baby contest you come across! :)
One of my favorite families is back! I took there pictures Here and Here. Again, when I showed up Nate wasn't that interested in taking pictures with me. He would look at me but not really smiles or any "cheesy" faces. I pulled out all my ammo (i.e., animal noises, screeching, sneezing, anything that made myself look stupid), and it didn't work. Then mom promised Nate that he could have Ice cream if he was good on the way home and that did it. ICE CREEEEAM!!! Just saying the word made him leap for joy and give me HUGE smiles! Way to go mom! I am going to start making promises to other little kids that their parents will give them treats if they are good. Don't worry, you'll thank me later ;)
The picture above is one of my favorites...isn't he just soooo sweet with his mommy?
Aren't they such a sweet family? Nate was so much fun and finally realized I was taking his picture towards the end of the session (for example: the one where he is crawling towards me with the camera). I just wasn't that interesting before, I guess :).
Thank you "L" Family for waking up SUPER early and taking some photos before 8am!