This is one of my repeats (HERE)...and I'm so happy they chose me to do Aidan's 2 year pictures. I LOVE how smiley and giddy he is at getting his picture taken :). I think we were done with this session in about 30 minutes.
I think the pictures speak for themselves!
Thank you "S" Family for letting me take pictures of sweet Aidan once again :)
So I said to myself..maybe I'll just post 3-5 pictures as a preview to save myself some time since I am editing two sessions right now. But I couldn't do it..I couldn't even narrow it down to a little over 5. I have tooo many favorites from this session!
When I arrived both grandma's were there helping and one was staying until mid-late june? I forget. How nice is that? They were sooo excited for this little one and one even said "he is the most BEAUTIFUL baby I have seen." I'd have to agree, he is pretty darn cute!
Thanks so much for letting me capture little Cooper in his first days of life! :)
OH MAN!!! That's all I can say! Makes me want another one (I can already hear my husband sigh as he will be reading this tomorrow haha). This was my FIRST newborn session....besides the "session" I did of my daughter WITH a flash and WITH a wrinkly backdrop. HAHA. My friend, Megan (your might remember her from HERE) and her husband were nice enough to see my "plee" on facebook for some NEW babies (btw we already had a 1 month session set up) and came to the rescue. She let me come early and get some shots of him! Thank you soooo much T family for letting me invade your home with a newborn and a almost 2 year old....ON mothers day :).
What an adorable family! We met up at Firethorne (sp?) subdivision in Katy and I was in Heaven! There were so many different looking places to take pictures. Don't get me wrong, I love taking pictures anywhere, but a change of scenery is def. refreshing! Thank you so much H family for letting me capture some family moments/sydnee's 18 month pictures and for not firing me for having to run all the way back around the pond for another memory card for my camera. :)
This was a family I had never met before and instantly felt a connection when we met up to do their son's 3 month old/family pictures. They were so much fun and up for anything which made me job super easy! I look forward to seeing baby Ari at his 6 month pictures! I'm sure he will be bossing all of us around by then :) Thank you "A" Family!