This book is something you can add to your sessions as a great gift or to keep for yourself. They come in sets of 3. I ordered a set for mothers day and will give one to each grandma and was able to keep one for my self :)
Isn't that the sweetest smile? Kayla was an easy subject to take pictures you can tell :) Kayla's aunt set up this session b/c she LOOOOVES her niece sooo much! Spoiled!
Unfortunately, this was my last session until this baby is born. I had more scheduled but after a visit with my doctor and realizing the baby is a lot closer to coming than we thought, I was advised to not do anymore sessions and to take it easy until the baby comes.
I will be starting back up in late june! See y'all soon!
Beautiful Becca is graduating this year and so we went out on an adventure for "rustic" looking scenery for her pictures. The only place I could think of that I know had a rustic feel is someones property down this dirt road...and when I say dirt road, i mean un-Drive-able dirt road...but well worth it, if you can make it down there :)
My husband gave me STRICT "no fence jumping while pregnant" instructions. So when we went out there I found a gate to the area with missing links, so there we go! We were able to get out there and get some great shots of becca!