This bride showed up with these AWESOME blue shoes and I think I formed a slight..I mean slight..obsession with them :). If you can't tell!
We had such a great time taking her photos in downtown Houston (great scenery, huh?)...and her family tagged along too! It was neat seeing her support system come with her! Her mom was such a big help too!
This family is one of my favorites...maybe because we are good friends...maybe because aidan is my daughters boyfriend (seriously..these kids "LOVE each other")...maybe because they are so photogenic...and maybe because they make my session an easy one.
They are expecting baby #2 after the first of the year and doesn't she look great? All belly and nothing else to prove she is pregnant. Lucky!
Can't wait to meet baby #2!! I'm sure he will be just as adorable as little Aidan!
I love repeat customers! It's fun catching up and seeing how much everyone has changed...especially when you have little kids. Last time I saw Miles he was 4 months old and when I saw them this time he was running around, but still as smiley as ever and Owen was 2 and now a more talkative 3 year old, who was showing me all his toys and surprised to know that I knew some of them :) Don't they look a lot alike?
Thank you "O" family for letting me do your Christmas pictures again :)...Hope to see y'all again next year!
Sarah and I have been friends since...umm elementary school. I can't remember an exact year but a LONG time ago! I was so flattered when she asked me to take their family pictures this year! Aren't they so beautiful?
Little Noah was soooo hilarious...and ended up making me sing "Elmo's World" towards the end of our session. He had so much to say and kept daddy busy chasing him down in the rain!
...and can you BELIEVE it rained on us?? They were such good sports and so we took half of their pictures in the rain. I don't think you even notice :)